PA 6 — Due: Fri Nov 10 11pm CT
Recall the academic integrity policy: turn in your own work and cite all sources.
The summary description of this assignment is short and sweet: Given a rectangular maze with one entrance and one exit, write a program that finds a viable path (if any).
For example, given a maze represented as a file…
… your program should produce a path of locations:
% cabal run maze-solver -- mazes/maze-02.txt
Just [(0,0),(1,0),(2,0),(3,0),(2,0),(2,1),(2,2),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(2,4),(3,4)]
The starter repository contains: a .cabal
file, a
mostly-empty .hs
file, and a couple simple test mazes. So,
this is your opportunity to model the problem and organize a solution
however you see fit. Because the problem definition and likely solutions
are relatively short, code style constitutes a slightly larger fraction
of the grading rubric than recent assignments.
A maze is represented as an input file, comprising a rectangular grid of the following characters:
: Entrance (only one)F
: Exit (only one)X
: WallYour program can assume a valid input format. Do whatever you want if given an invalid maze; print a polite error message and exit gracefully, or not.
The standard output of the program should be one line, displaying a
Maybe Path
through the maze. This String
representation should be the result of calling show
on the
Maybe Path
; do not implement a custom display function.
type Path = [Pos]
type Pos = (Row, Col)
type Row = Int
type Col = Int
The Pos
ition (0,0)
corresponds to the
top-left grid cell and
the bottom-right, where n is the number of rows and m
is the number of columns.
Note: It is okay for a Path
revisit locations (as in the same interaction above). You can choose
whether or not to prune.
Consider using Data.Set and/or Data.Map to efficiently represent boards.
Look for opportunities to use (<$>)
, (>>=)
, guard
or any of your own helper functions.
Consider implementing an “orMaybe
” function of type
Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
, and look for
opportunities to use foldr orMaybe Nothing
. (This pattern
is not captured by Monad
but is captured by
albeit in a way we haven’t yet understood. There
is a related class called Alternative
that includes
and asum
, which for
are defined to be firstJust
foldr firstJust (<|>) Nothing
, respectively.)
Do a relatively simple brute-force search (for example, “flood fill” processes neighboring cells in a fixed order). But consider that a “sequential” rather than a “parallel” approach may scale better to larger mazes with more paths to search.
For testing, you should probably implement a function that walks a path to check that it goes from start to finish without walking through walls. Speaking of tests…
… you are required to add at least five new valid mazes to the
directory. Don’t forget to add
them to
your repository before you commit
For extra credit, offer an optional command-line flag
to animate the path rather than just displaying its
% cabal run maze-solver -- mazes/maze-02.txt animate
You are free to design the (text-based) animation however you like.
For example, you could animate steps upon key presses. Or you could
implement a timed animation, in which case you’ll need some kind of
timer — check out Control.Timer.Tick
or Control.Concurrent.Timer.
If you use additional packages, make sure to submit the updated
Here is an outline of the grading rubric (10 points total):
Correct code (tested on the sample mazes, plus
Clean code (based on the style
≥5 valid new mazes0.0
Extra credit (+1.0
)Once you are finished, check that you add
ted, and push
ed everything to your
repository before the deadline (or within an eligible late period):