Research Summaries

The last extra component of 309 is to produce a research summary of at least 3 CHI papers on a subject we covered in class. You can search in the acm digital library ( from a campus computer to get free access. The goal is for you to find out what the latest research says on this topic, whereas in class, most of our work was drawn from research old enough to have been distilled for practitioners and placed in the common educational / game design domain. Research conferences are typically ahead of what gets disseminated to the masses by several years, which means the normal content will often be out of date.

There are two parts to this exercise. As you read each paper, fill out this form (once for each paper). Then write a 2-3 page analysis that integrates the knowledge learned from the three papers, relating the papers to each other and what we learned in class.

I have several subjects to choose from. If you have something in particular you would like to research, you may choose that, as well. Please contact me if you would like to research something not on this list to obtain approval.