Flash talks have become popular in the past several years as a short way to introduce a larger project. They are not unrelated to "elevator talks" in the past. An elevator talk (or elevator pitch) is a summary of your project that you can give during a single ride of an elevator when you happen to be trapped with a more senior colleague that you want to know about your work. An elevator talk/pitch is limited to 1-2 minutes.

The challenge in an elevator talk/pitch or flash talk is to distill what you are doing to the most important, interesting features. Flash talks have the added benefit of visuals to go with the pitch. A flash talk is typically limited to 3-4 minutes. The slides are provided to the moderator beforehand to be pre-loaded in sequence. Slides advance automatically every minute, enforcing the time constraint.

We have an 80 minute class and slightly fewer than 20 projects, leaving students with 4 minutes per project. You need to make a flash talk that will take only 4 minutes to deliver. Look at your game and identify the most crucial, interesting parts of the project that will explain them well, may distinguish them from what others are doing, and illustrate that you are integrating concepts from the class (and know how to use the vocabulary taught in the class). You may write down what you are going to say with each slide and have note cards with you when you deliver your flash talk.

You will be graded on the following aspects of your talk:

You will share your screen to do the talk, so you may use any format you wish.