The purpose of this design review is to give critical feedback so students
can get a better idea of how well they are doing, what their strengths
and weaknesses are, and how they could improve their design.
Answer the following questions about the design document you read. Put the
feedback in a pdf file. You are doing two of these - make sure that you
submit the pdf files as answers to the proper assignment so that we
route them properly to the team.
For each category, first describe the strengths of what they have proposed,
then weaknesses, and finally suggestions for improvement.
1. Mythical users: Did they choose and describe users that, across the
three users,
had diverse ethnic/cultural backgrounds, personalities, interests, and
skill sets that would impact the game design?
2. Game mechanics. From reading the document, did you get a clear picture in
your mind of how the game works?
3. Storyline / Dramatic elements. Do the dramatic elements connect well
to the material being taught? To what degree do the dramatic elements
connect with the mythical users they described?
4. Did they include enough varied elements to appeal to different player
types and describe how those parts appeal to those player types?
5. Learning. Will the described game play result in learning that matches
their learning trajectory? Did they describe how the game will get
gradually more challenging, even within the same learning goal?
6. Gamification. Are they learning through play and not through
memorization, quizzes, flash cards, or some other simplistic,
school-based method?