The schedule below is for All Students presenting on Monday, May 20, 2024. 

Failure to be on time will result in a 1-Letter Grade Penalty.  Failure to appear will result in an automatic "F" for your project deliverable.

Alan Salkanović/Zoom John Hadidian-Baugher/Zoom             
4:20 PM
Ryan Zhou [autoassigned]
Mingyan Wang
4:40 PM
Siddhartha Goswami
Minjie Ma[autoassigned]
5:00 PM
Zhiwei (Jackson) Cao
Qilei Chen
5:20 PM
Aulia Firmansyah
Ziyang Yuan
5:40 PM
Po-Ju Chen
Shuyu Jia
6:00 PM
Fernando Urbano
Eddie Zheng
6:20 PM
Nichada Wongrassamee
Yinfeng Lu [autoassigned]
6:40 PM
Andy Rodgiruez
Garen Hu
7:00 PM

7:20 PM

7:40 PM